complete Heat: B
complete Heat: A
01-12 18:53 - Elimination 11 created
01-12 17:08 - We are racing again!
01-12 16:53 - Elimination 10 created
01-12 16:31 - Mark 3 went off to explore the ocean 😅. Ap on comity boat.
01-12 16:10 - Last day of racing, the girls ara starting with the A final. The wind is even more strong compared to the last days 😃
30-11 21:12 - End of the day already, LOT OF WIND and tangles today.
30-11 18:56 - Elimination 9 created
30-11 16:46 - Elimination 8 created
30-11 15:08 - The first races will start any minute now :)
29-11 20:58 - Ap over A no more races today. See you tomorrow!
29-11 19:46 - Elimination 7 created
29-11 16:59 - Elimination 6 created
29-11 14:49 - An other day in beautiful Brazil. We are at the 3th day of racing. First possible start boys at 11:00. Girls will follow up next after the first round of the boys.
29-11 13:39 - Elimination 5 created
28-11 17:59 - Elimination 4 created
28-11 15:42 - The boys are done with the first round. --> Girls started with heat 1
28-11 13:56 - Welkom to the second day of racing. So far the forcast is looking good. Fist importint thing: Skippers is at 10:00. 😉
27-11 20:11 - AP over A, no more races today
27-11 20:06 - Elimination 3 created
27-11 18:31 - The girls just started with heat 1. Wind is getting stonger and stronger..
Heat 1 Complete
Sail Competitor Remark
193 Maria Beatriz Dos Santos Silva
228 Irene Tari
358 Sveva Sanseverino
594 Antonia MendesDNF
525 Maria Lucia TrianaDNF
Heat 2 Complete
Sail Competitor Remark
114 Eva Dupont
284 Lola Ulrich
361 Maggie Eillen Pescetto
489 Adela Mendoza
580 Isotta Di DomenicoDNF
Heat 3 Complete
Sail Competitor Remark
132 Nina Font Castells
265 Ona RomaniSCP (1.4)
313 Poema Newland
471 Alexandra Torres CibeiraSCP (0.9)
Heat 4 Complete
Sail Competitor Remark
122 Sofia Tomasoni
283 Celia Salome
381 Chiara Adobati
430 Alice Ruggiu
568 Nichanan Rodthong
Heat 5 Complete
Sail Competitor Remark
128 Irene Tari
284 Lola Ulrich
361 Maggie Eillen Pescetto
414 Eva DupontSCP (1.4)
593 Maria Beatriz Dos Santos Silva
658 Sveva SanseverinoSCP (1.4)
Heat 6 Complete
Sail Competitor Remark
113 Poema Newland
265 Ona Romani
322 Sofia Tomasoni
432 Nina Font Castells
583 Celia Salome
681 Chiara Adobati
A Final Complete
Sail Competitor Remark
122 Sofia Tomasoni
228 Irene Tari
384 Lola Ulrich
461 Maggie Eillen Pescetto
4.013 Poema NewlandRDG (4.0)
665 Ona RomaniDSQ
B Final Complete
Sail Competitor Remark
132 Nina Font Castells
1.093 Maria Beatriz Dos Santos SilvaRDG (7.0)
258 Sveva Sanseverino
381 Chiara Adobati
483 Celia Salome
614 Eva DupontDSQ
C Final Complete
Sail Competitor Remark
189 Adela Mendoza
271 Alexandra Torres Cibeira
330 Alice Ruggiu
468 Nichanan Rodthong
725 Maria Lucia TrianaDNF
794 Antonia MendesDNF
780 Isotta Di DomenicoDNF